Articles and updates


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A few words from our future CEO
As Bruce has done, I will start by summarising my journey so far. I began my career in Chartered Accountancy at a large mid-tier firm in 2003. I worked across two offices for two partners for nearly ten years. Looking back, I was lucky to have worked for the first partner (and manager), as I […]
Conflict resolution: the lifeline to a thriving team
Conflict is a natural part of any workplace involving people with diverse personalities and backgrounds. However, when conflict occurs, many aspects of the business are affected, so we must understand how to actually manage it. Differences in opinions, beliefs, or perspectives can often lead to conflicts in any team environment. While they can create disruptive […]
To know where you are going, you must have a vision.
We’ve all planned holidays at some point in our lives. We envision what it will look like and anticipate how it will feel. That vision gives us something to look forward to and an incentive to do what we need to get there. In a business context, the vision is where you want to be, […]
Random 2023 reflections
It’s around this time when I start thinking about next year, and reflect on the past year. Below are some random reflections that popped into my head while writing. Overcoming Overwhelm Trying to think through the day, the week, the year, and everything that needs to be done is the worst psyche out for me. […]
5 reasons why regular business valuations are key
1. Focused growth For businesses generating over $2m in revenue and achieving solid profits (or, even if not), regular valuations could help boost your bottom line even higher. A good valuation identifies the drivers of value in your business. These are identified by researching the industry and by asking relevant questions to the directors and/or […]