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Power to the multigenerational work team!
In the 1960s and ’70s, hitting 65 was often seen as life’s finish line, with the average New Zealander expecting to live just a few years beyond retirement. Today, the landscape has changed considerably. We’ve significantly extended our longevity expectations, pushing the boundaries of what we consider ‘old age’ much further. Life expectancy has soared […]
The opportunity of a lifetime: from Canada to NZ
When I was first approached about doing a work exchange in New Zealand, I didn’t hesitate for a second. As soon as our office administrator mentioned the opportunity, I instantly said yes. I love travelling, and this was a huge chance to explore a country I’d never been to before. In fact, I’d never even […]
My Canadian exchange programme experience
At the beginning of the year, I had the chance to join a Canadian work exchange programme with Adams and Miles (A&M), an accounting firm in Toronto. I was both excited and nervous about what lay ahead. Participating in the programme provided a unique mix of professional development, cultural exposure, and personal growth. Working at […]
A life-long journey of time management
Tick, tick, tick, tick…does this remind you anything? Time. It continually ticks, running eternally without pause. It is the most precious and finite resource. It accompanies us throughout our journey from the moment of birth to the golden years of retirement. Each different life stage presents its own challenges, opportunities, and demands on our time, […]
KPIs are dead: long live Personal Goals
KPIs are short for key performance indicator’s used to measure your employee’s performance. They can be financial, customer, or process-focused. The thing is, generationally, I believe we’ve moved away from using them, and for some businesses, they haven’t even noticed. The catchphrase used to be “work hard, play hard”; nowadays, it’s “work-life balance”. My career […]