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Joshna'sConflict resolution: the lifeline to a thriving team
Conflict is a natural part of any workplace involving people with diverse personalities and backgrounds. However, when conflict occurs, many aspects of the business are affected, so we must understand how to actually manage it. Differences in opinions, beliefs, or perspectives can often lead to conflicts in any team environment. While they can create disruptive […]
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Women Led Ventures – let’s do ‘better’
Revisiting the dynamics of raising capital for start-ups and growth companies over this series of articles, has reminded me of the low statistics of women led businesses able to obtain venture capital (VC) funding. Less than 5% of VC funding worldwide are to women led businesses, and even less for women of colour. On the […]
Capital Raising – putting our money where our mouth is
This series started with The history of Gilligan Sheppard Capital Raising. GS has been active in the property syndication and start-up capital raising space for quite some time. There are many that know us well. However, there are also many more that do not realise that GS ‘do’ this. The reason many may be unaware […]
Valuing SMEs in New Zealand
We all know New Zealand is a country with a high number of small to medium businesses (SMEs). This may mean we are entrepreneurial, value working on our own terms rather than those dictated by employers, wish to utilise our skills or turn our ideas into action or a myriad of other options. How then […]
What is diversity in the workplace anyway?
I have been confused by the theme of ‘diversity in the workplace’. Especially it’s identified as culture or gender – so I thought, why not put pen to paper and try and articulate my confusion… The dictionary defines diversity as: Based on the above – does diversity in the workplace mean that the ideal is […]
Gilligan Sheppard appoints a new partner
The three partners Yi Ping Ge, Richard Ashby and Bruce Sheppard, and indeed the whole team at Gilligan Sheppard, celebrate and welcome a new partner this week. Joshna Mistry has been offered and has agreed to join the three existing partners as a full equity partner with immediate effect. Joshna joined GS nearly eight years […]