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2023 China Insights
In November 2023, I went on an enlightening journey to China, visiting the bustling metropolis of Shanghai and the Zhejiang Province. This trip offered me an interesting perspective on the evolving landscape of China, marked by its less international ambience and the impact of various socio-economic factors. A shift away from internationalism One of the […]
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners 2023 Asia Conference Insights
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) was founded in 1991 and has since grown into a globally recognised organisation with 22,000 members across 200 countries. Its members include lawyers, accountants, financial planners, and other professionals who advise clients on trusts, estates, and inheritance planning issues. STEP 2023 Asia conference was held in Hong Kong […]
My two cents: inflation
Inflation is a hot topic at the moment. While cash inflow is stable or decreasing, cash outflow is increasing dramatically – some items have doubled or tripled their price in the last two years! So, what can we do to handle the situation, or at least, survive? I’ve stepped into different shoes to understand people’s […]
Business and pleasure: Yi Ping and Tanya’s trip to India
In December 2022, Tanya and I were fortunate to visit India for a few weeks. It was a ‘business mixed with pleasure’ trip. The three ‘must dos’ were: Glad to say we accomplished all three and came back home happy and safe. The business agenda KFT GS has been a founding partner of KFT since […]
Staying focused
The struggle with staying focused on ‘must do’ tasks can be a life-long problem for many people. But successfully dealing with the issue leads to further happiness, life satisfaction, and freedom. We certainly have no difficulty focusing on things that we love to do that require hardly any effort, such as reading, watching TV, shopping, […]