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Who would have thought?
Gilligan Sheppard and I strongly align on several things. In particular, their purpose of enriching lives aligns with my personal purpose of improving people’s lives through business and improving business through people. One way we thought this could materialise was by providing business improvement workshops. We conducted an initial workshop with GS clients on ‘Developing […]
The difference between a leader and a manager
What’s the most important thing to a company’s sustainable success? After considering the standard metrics such as market, the bottom line and a quality product, the majority would likely say it’s leadership. There is a graveyard of companies whose main downfall is the quality of their leaders. Not only the leader at the top but […]
Don’t settle for an average company culture
This is a topic I am incredibly passionate about, and you should be, too. Everyone knows intuitively that if you have a great culture, great things happen. But most companies don’t have any culture, or at least it’s average. Or worse, it’s toxic. And it comes from the owners, managers, or average leaders who aren’t […]
Achieving business goals just got easier.
It’s late in the evening, and the business owner sits alone in their office. The hum of the city outside is a distant murmur, but the weight of the task at hand is prominent. With a heavy sigh, they reach for a meticulously crafted document – their company’s long-term business goals. The pages, once filled […]
A flexible workplace: how to make hybrid working work for everyone
Working outside of the office has changed the way people think and work. We’ve discovered that it’s doable, and the benefits are actually worthwhile. And for the foreseeable future, it’s clear that remote and hybrid working will be here for a while. Employees don’t have to go through the arduous journey to get to and […]