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Business improvement

We help organisations improve their business with strategy development, strategy execution, organisational alignment, shaping culture, and developing high-performing teams and great leaders…

Business and share valuations

Do you need to get a deal done, but you’re not sure what the value of the business is? Negotiations are hard enough as they are, let alone when you go in blind. Sometimes you really don’t need a valuation, you just need some advice on approach. But sometimes a valuation is absolutely essential. Think about a messy divorce, or a shareholder split. Emotions get in the way of being able to strike a deal, and you need someone to just tell you what the answer is…

Buying a business

Whether you’re buying a small business or a large business, it’s easy to make an expensive mistake. For a rundown on what we recommend for a larger purchase, check out our M&A section. Most people selling small businesses, like most of the ones on Trademe, will have no idea what their businesses are worth, and they’ll want too much money. If you’re selling and have a business broker then that’s a lot less likely to happen…

Company and trust formation/administration

Setting up a new company is an exciting venture, but we are also aware that it can be daunting at the same time. Especially if it’s your first one. Get past the hardest part, which is probably choosing the company name, then you need to reserve the name and register the company. Next you want to look at banking services, tax registration, insurances, ACC and accounting and recording systems. Even job descriptions and employment contracts – something that often gets forgotten about in the set-up process…

Expert evidence for litigation

There are lots of points during litigation that you might need to pull together evidence. You might not even be going through litigation yet, but just have a risk of going to court. You might be trying to resolve it yourself or with a lawyer, but need some advice that may become evidence later. Or you might already be in the legal process and need an accountant or analyst as an expert, who can write an expert opinion you’ll use for evidence…


If a company is broke, bankrupt or in debt, liquidation is used to collect its assets, determine the outstanding claims against the company, and sort out the claims in order of the law. A liquidator is appointed when a company is placed into liquidation. The liquidator takes control of all the company’s unsecured assets, which are sold to repay the creditors. Trading companies are usually closed, although sometimes they might continue to trade for a short time so the business can be sold…

Mergers and acquisitions

If you have a larger or trickier deal to get over the line, we’re well positioned to help. We’ve worked with cross-border strategic transactions, divestments, roll-ups and everything in between. We work with a number of M&A firms in Singapore, Japan, China and further abroad. This can be very useful for finding overseas buyers if the local market is too shallow. Often an overseas corporate buyer can help leverage up your business to a level that just can’t be done locally…

Property development syndicates

Not long after GS was formed, we started doing a lot in the property development funding space. These were a bit of a mix at first. We did some greenfield, some warehouse conversions, some office block conversions. We had some interesting ones in Central Auckland. Freemans Bay, Albert Street, Victoria Street, High Street, Federal Street, Emily Place. We raised capital from a group of investors to fund and help set up Kiwi Self Storage. Since then, we’ve exited (profitably) and the business is still a major player in their space…

Relationship property disputes

If you’re going through a relationship property dispute, you’ll know that even though you’re fighting over money (or your other assets), there’s more than money to think about. When a business is involved, it’s even more complicated. If you need a bit of help pulling together ideas of how you’re going to get yourself untangled from your spouse or partner, we’re happy to have a confidential, complimentary catch up to see if we’re a good fit.

Selling a business

If you’re looking at retiring and closing up shop, there’s a pretty good chance you can sell your business instead. When you’re selling a business, there are some really simple things you can do to get the best bang for your buck. Getting your business ready years in advance is best, of course, but hindsight is 20/20 and you might not have the luxury of time. One thing to keep in mind is that selling a business can sometimes be very time consuming…

Shareholder disputes

Getting into business is a lot like getting married, and it’s pretty similar when things go wrong. A lot gets lost in the emotional fallout of a shareholder dispute – you might feel hard-done by, there might be ruined friendships and wasted time. You might not even be on speaking terms. It’s pretty hard to strike a deal to part ways when emotions are running high and there’s money involved…

Start-up capital raising

Each year we see dozens of start-ups looking at raising capital. Some of these are obviously good ideas, some are obviously bad. Some are totally awesome. We help maybe 10% of the start-ups we see raise capital, and try to do this for as many of the awesome ones as we can. If we don’t raise capital for a particular start-up, we give a lot of feedback on why we’re not a good fit, of course, and maybe leave them with other things to consider…

Strategy, optimisation and governance

It’s very rare to find an entrepreneur who’s able to go from starting a business, to running a business at scale. Often the ones that do get a huge amount of coaching, or have a top class advisory board because the learning curve to keep growing a business is enormous. There are three key areas to keep under control as you scale out a business, and each has different challenges at different times…

Succession planning

There are a lot of tricky questions around succession, especially when the business is really dear to you. Maybe you’re unsure who’s going to take the reins? Or do you have someone lined up already but not sure how much to sell for? Do you give them a discount? Do you wonder if you need to keep working in the business, but aren’t sure how that would affect price? The crux of the decision is making sure it gets into the right hands and gets looked after properly…

Virtual CFO

Running a business is a lot of work. It can be really hard to keep on top of things, and keep things running smoothly. When you’re growing quickly, it can become impossible to figure out if a decision is going to take you to the next level, or put you under. We’re a team of experienced advisors, we’re directors, shareholders, entrepreneurs and investors. We work with you to make sure you have the information you need, when you need it…

Wealth services

Wealth is understood differently by both the wealthy, and those who aspire to have it. The process by which wealth is created, also differs depending on what is considered valuable to the seeker of wealth. Once achieved, often not well defined in advance of the journey, new challenges emerge, and for many those challenges are more demanding emotionally than the journey to success itself…

If you don’t know where to begin, want to talk through something, or have a specific question but are not sure who to address it to, fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you within two working days.

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As a client Gilligan Sheppard you will have access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business / trust / transaction. xero logo It’s small business accounting software that’s simple, smart and occasionally magical. Log in online anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone to get a real-time view of your cash flow. 
As a client Gilligan Sheppard you will have access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business / trust / transaction. tax traders logo Tax Traders allows you to buy someone else’s tax to settle your account with Inland Revenue, as well as save on interest and late payment penalty charges.
As a client Gilligan Sheppard you will have access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business / trust / transaction. smart ar logo Astute cash flow management is essential for operating a small business.
As a client Gilligan Sheppard you will have access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business / trust / transaction. myob logo Trusted by 1.2 million businesses, myob is New Zealand’s largest accounting solutions provider. The platform is equipped to support the needs of New Zealand organisations.
As a client at Gilligan Sheppard you will access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business/trust/transaction.  accountancy insurance logo Tax Audit Insurance specifically designed for accountants in public practice. This provides cost effective protection and peace of mind against the substantial cost that may be incurred should IR or other government authorities conduct a random review, investigation or audit.
As a client Gilligan Sheppard you will have access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business / trust / transaction. cpa logo A CPA is a finance, accounting and business professional with a specific qualification. It indicates a soundness in depth, breadth and quality of accountancy knowledge and gives you competitive advantage over your peers.
As a client Gilligan Sheppard you will have access to international networks and resources to enable optimal outcomes for your business / trust / transaction. agn international logo AGN International is a worldwide asociation, composed of four regions, of independent accounting and advisory businesses.
Tax Updates: 21 October 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion [...]
The blue deck chair: Putting a price on loyalty
In an unashamed take from Graham Norton, I intend to write a few stories called ‘the blue deck chair.’ You are free to pull the lever and flip my chair. So please send feedback, flip, or let me [...]
Power to the multigenerational work team!
In the 1960s and ’70s, hitting 65 was often seen as life’s finish line, with the average New Zealander expecting to live just a few years beyond retirement. Today, the landscape has changed [...]
The opportunity of a lifetime: from Canada to NZ
When I was first approached about doing a work exchange in New Zealand, I didn’t hesitate for a second. As soon as our office administrator mentioned the opportunity, I instantly said yes. I [...]
Survive to 25?
Some businesses are feeling uncertain in this economic climate, and many New Zealand businesses are echoing the mantra ‘survive to ’25.’ It’s a sentiment that reflects the hope for [...]
Tax Updates: 14 October 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion [...]
Tax Updates: 7 October 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion [...]
Tax Updates: 30 September 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion [...]
The blue deck chair: A bank with an infinite game mindset?
In an unashamed take from Graham Norton, I intend to write a few stories called ‘the blue deck chair.’ You are free to pull the lever and flip my chair. So please send feedback, flip, or let me [...]
Philanthropy simplified: How the Auckland Foundation is creating real change
At Gilligan Sheppard (GS), we take our purpose seriously. Enriching lives is our guiding factor in every interaction with our clients, our people, and I would like to say in all interactions in and [...]

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Richard Ashby (our tax specialist) provides advice, comments and updates on what’s been happening in the world of tax each week.