Covid-19 Panel Discussions

  • Commercial matters & Insolvency through Covid-19
  • Leases, Construction & Property with Covid-19
  • Covid-19 + new tax info + paying back subsidies + fear of GST increases
  • Post Covid-19 lockdown thinking

Commercial matters & Insolvency through Covid-19

7th May 2020

Richard Ashby interviews Kalev Crossland from Shieff Angland law firm and our own Bruce Sheppard about commercial matters…

  1. What is the practical impact of the business debt hibernation rules on the enforceability of leases and contractual commitments?
  2. What is the impact of the safe harbour rules on governance requirements and directors responsibilities?
  3. What are the impacts on health and safety requirements of employers in respect of the Covid 19 safe distancing and other requirements?
  4. Rent reduction under clause 27.5 of the ADLS lease.

For any questions you have on this subject matter, please email [email protected].

Leases, Construction & Property with Covid-19

6th May 2020

Michael Vukcevic interviews Paul Chambers from ACL (Anderson Creagh Lai law firm) about leases, construction and property…

  1. With the existing clause in commercial leases which has allowed for a reduction to be fair – describe how to define fair?
  2. If considering a new commercial lease, what terms should be considered following the current experience? (from perspective of Landlord and tenant?)
  3. Regarding settlement and acquisitions/sales of property, is this Covid-19 event grounds for cancellation?
  4. On construction contracts, most contractors have issued suspension notices. What are the consequences of this for a property owner (in particular Insurance risk) and which party will bear the costs associated with the delay?

For any questions you have on this subject matter, please email [email protected].

Covid-19 + new tax info + paying back subsidies + fear of GST increases

1st May 2020

Our tax specialist Richard Ashby is interviewed by Michael Vukcevic. Here he provides tips around your tax – the devil is in the detail – so fee free to email any tax questions to [email protected] or any other enquiries to [email protected]

  1. I noted this morning your internal message to the team re the urgent Bill the Government has just passed through the House this week, particularly the new loss carry-back rules. Could you explain these new rules to me please?
  2. Following on from that, I note that the loss carry-back rules were just one component of a more broader package of proposals announced by the Government a couple of weeks ago. Could you tell me a little more re the tax related proposals?
  3. I also recall seeing a post by you earlier in the week, re a special report just released by Inland Revenue on the first round of Covid-19 tax related changes passed into law back in March. A little recap perhaps?
  4. I’ve heard of clients who have originally claimed the wage subsidy, who now feel that the business may actually perform better than first expected between now and June 2020, and therefore they are unlikely to experience the requisite 30% reduction in revenues that entitled them to claim the subsidy in the first place. How do they now go about paying the subsidy back?

Post Covid-19 lockdown thinking

21st April 2020

Hosted by Richard Ashby, Bruce Sheppard and Michael Vukcevic share their thoughts on the following;

  1. What are the risks to businesses post lockdown?
  2. How can businesses address the uncertainty post lockdown?
  3. Why is re-evaluating business purpose important?
  4. What help or hindrance will the Government be?
  5. What does long term now look like for business?

If you have any questions you’d like answered, please email them to [email protected]

If you don’t know where to begin, want to talk through something, or have a specific question but are not sure who to address it to, fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you within two working days.

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