Articles and updates


We are recognised as authorities in our specialised fields. We publish newsletters with informed opinions that are free for you to subscribe to.

Staying focused
The struggle with staying focused on ‘must do’ tasks can be a life-long problem for many people. But successfully dealing with the issue leads to further happiness, life satisfaction, and freedom. We certainly have no difficulty focusing on things that we love to do that require hardly any effort, such as reading, watching TV, shopping, […]
AGN Regional Pacific Meeting 2022
AGN International is a leading worldwide association of independent accounting firms that focus on tax, audit, and advisory. Comprising around 1.3 billion revenues, 14,000 people, and 500 offices in 80 countries, Gilligan Sheppard is the only firm in New Zealand to play an active role in the association, and our tax expert Richard Ashby is […]
Partnering with businesses coming in, or going out of, New Zealand
As professional service providers, Gilligan Sheppard is invited to play a role in many of our client’s lives, by assisting them to resolve business and family issues. Many of these situations with our clients are delicate and memorable, and we count ourselves lucky be a part of their journey. Reminiscing on these experiences has given […]
Travel is my sanity
After five weeks of level-four lockdown, followed by seven weeks of level-three, I was asked to write an article for our newsletter. To be honest, I couldn’t summon enough positive energy to write something encouraging or cheerful. Nor could I pretend to know more than anyone else on how to cope with the current situation. […]
2021 China insights
After one and a half years of Covid, the world is still living behind locked borders. With the majority of big events being postponed, the 2020 Olympics finally took place in August 2021, a year later. Albeit without an audience of course. Due to technology, we have been able to streamline the games and keep […]