Lockdown collaboration

It’s likely that you’re receiving plenty of emails about what different service providers are doing to keep safe, washing hands and being kind.

We’re hoping that this is a little different.

​There seems to be the extremes of business situations; you’re either rushed off your feet and in high demand, or quiet and unsure. If you are in the second category and lock down is detrimental to your survival, we want to help.

Email us and tell us what you need and what you can/can’t afford. Or, if you are thriving and wish to offer help, please also let us know what you can do.

If you need help or can offer help, in whatever capacity, please send it through and we will connect you with the appropriate service. We will be posting both on this page, so please email [email protected] with your request/offer, and keep checking the page for any updates.

Grow your business in lockdown. Part one of four.

New marketing strategy

View the webinar here.

What are the challenges?

  • Face to face is best, but not always possible
  • Digital communication has grown
  • Can’t keep doing the same thing

Grow your business in lockdown. Part two of four.

Online marketing strategy

View the second webinar here.

What are the challenges?

  • We can’t always reach people directly
  • The customer journey jumps on and offline many times
  • We must manage our marketing from anywhere

“Do something now. Take a first step.” – Lisa Garrud

Grow your business in lockdown. Part three of four.

Confident phone selling

View the third webinar here.

What are the challenges?

  • Sometimes face to face
  • Sometimes via webcam
  • Sometimes on the phone
  • Sometimes texts
  • Suddenly and constant changes

Grow your business in lockdown. Part four of four.

Webcam selling confidence

View the fourth webinar here.

What are the challenges?

  • Customers want a professional and engaging experience across all mediums; face to face, webcam and phone
  • Customers want consistency of service and communication
Further help?

Marketing Strategy & Sales Coaching
Ambrose Blowfield
The Sales Mastery Company
[email protected]
027 262 7673

Design, Websites & Content
Gilligan Sheppard
Lisa Garrud
[email protected]
021 927 033

If you don’t know where to begin, want to talk through something, or have a specific question but are not sure who to address it to, fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you within two working days.

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