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2020 election year: Reds in our bed or are we going to get the blues?
What a choice we confront, and how much more inertia will we have while we wait for the poll?
Another three years of sleeping with ineffective dreamers, or a change to an almost more depressing prospect of National, with no one with much competence, charisma or leadership capacity left.

As in all election years each of the players, including the tail that wags the dog (NZ first and the Greens), will come forth with promises based on whatever they think will win them the election. Populous projects with no clear plan.
We can bet that the Greens will scare us to death with little children like ventriloquist dolls crying about us destroying the planet and putting us on guilt trips to spend money on whatever pet project the polis think will win our votes through fear.
Labour making employers, landlord’s banks and any other responsible person they can think of, responsible for all the issues in life others suffer (provided they themselves are not a significant voting block).
They will champion health and promise to build more hospitals, and provide more beds and front line care without a thought as to how they will get construction capacity or the people to run these facilities, but we will all feel safer because they have said they care.
They will probably go quiet on house building and hope no one notices that Kiwi Build was a complete flop.
Winston will bleat about Wrights and Wong’s, and try to tighten up immigration ever more, and foreign investment rules will be promised to be effectively enforced. Also expect him to start taking some real swipes at the banks.
National will wobble on with promises to collect more riff raff off the street and find excuses to put them in jail longer, while talking about reinvigorating the economy with not much idea as to how they will do that beyond tax cuts.
This particular election year circus performance should, at an entertainment level, be more interesting than usual due to this season’s cast of players. May as well enjoy it.
It seems pointless to try and second guess government policy on targeting what to double down on, because they don’t even know themselves what they want to do.
It also seems pointless getting depressed about lunatics we can’t influence or control.
It is now time to just get on with doing stuff that is useful and serves our customers.
This year is the year to stop chewing our cud, look to the edge of the paddock, push through the gate and look to new fields of endeavour.
No need to run at it, plenty of need to be cautious. Start walking and keep walking.
- Should I buy my first home this year?
Yes and especially so if you are eligible for KiwiSaver withdrawal and first home buyer subsidises. Property is unlikely to get materially cheaper this year, but there is nothing much in Auckland or now the regions to drive it upwards much further. So if you want the security of owning your own home, the timing is okay now. If you are getting debt on board, lock in some of it with fixed rates. Split it up so you are not vulnerable if interest rates fall further, but hard to imagine much lower than they are now. - Should I buy an investment property this year?
No! The environment is the most hostile it has been in my memory for property owners. - Who are you voting for?
No idea they are all useless, and this is the first time I have felt this way in 16 elections. - Is 2020 a good year for syndicate investment?
Depends on the syndicate!!!! - Should I take on new employees this year, or hold the fort?
Good people are hard to find, never turn down the chance to recruit a star, even if you don’t need them, but be cautious with grunts. Machines have less ‘needs,’ so think about investing in technology. - Would I be better to invest overseas rather than in New Zealand this year?
No, it is worse in Australia, America, the UK and Europe than here. Do you feel like investing in China, Africa or Russia!?! - Is 2020 the year to start a family?
This decision has nothing to do with what year it is, it has everything to do with whether you are ready emotionally, physically and financially. - Do you think weed should be legalised?
No, but it should be decriminalised.
If you don’t know where to begin, want to talk through something, or have a specific question but are not sure who to address it to, fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you within two working days.
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