Philanthropy simplified: How the Auckland Foundation is creating real change

At Gilligan Sheppard (GS), we take our purpose seriously. Enriching lives is our guiding factor in every interaction with our clients, our people, and I would like to say in all interactions in and out of work. It fits.

This is why in our dealings with clients and our network, we promote purposeful business.

Purposeful Giving – Auckland Foundation

It is fitting that earlier this year, I was introduced to and asked to donate my time by joining the Board of Trustees at the Auckland Foundation. Initially, I had limited knowledge of the foundation, however after meeting with the Board Chair Garth Sinclair, other Board Members and the CEO, I am very excited about what this foundation has set out to achieve.

The Auckland Foundation facilitates purposeful giving. Whether it is a bequest in Wills or Funds made available by donors for charitable or community-related initiatives, Auckland Foundation can manage the process for you, aligned with the donor advised purpose for the fund.

Auckland Foundation works with individuals, families, businesses, existing Trusts and other organisations to establish Donor Advised Funds (DAF’s) that are the philanthropic platform for their giving. This is an alternative to establishing a separate Charitable Trust, which requires its own administration, management, compliance, regulatory requirements, and accountability structures. A Donor Advised Fund provides the same philanthropic outcomes as a separate Charitable Trust, without the burden and cost. Efficiencies are created for both those giving and those receiving funds.

Auckland Foundation has a protective responsibility over the DAF’s they hold in perpetuity, and they take this responsibility seriously. Every distribution made is put through a thorough due diligence process and it is imperative that the charitable purpose of the DAF is upheld.

Examples of some of the Funds that the Foundation manages:

  • The Tindall Foundation (established by Lady Margaret and Sir Stephen Tindall) have entrusted Auckland Foundation for 14 years as their Local Donations Manager for the Auckland region. Auckland Foundation channels funds through the Grassroots Giving Fund, to support vital projects and initiatives that strengthen family and whānau well-being. Often, it is the most vulnerable in our community that are supported through this Fund.
  • The Clinton and Joy Whitley Fund was established by a mother who lost her son to child cancer. Joy established a Donor Advised Fund into which she directed a gift in her Will, and this was invested and grown. Because of this generosity, Joy’s gift continues to give every year to organisations supporting families dealing with child cancer.
  • The Totara Fund was started by a young family who wanted to support other families in their local community when they heard about neighbours having a tough time. Through regular contributions and careful planning, the family have been able to build a Fund that strategically supports organisations working to ensure the well-being of families.
  • Other examples of charitable purposes that are supported through Auckland Foundation are those related to schools, sports, education and environmental causes.
  • Donor Advised Funds are featured on the Auckland Foundation site. Donations are also accepted via the site where these are open.
  • Funds can be managed for organisations to manage their capital expenditure more carefully and efficiently (i.e. the funds are managed by Auckland Foundation, and grants are applied for as funds are required) subject to committee approval. This arrangement is of benefit to community and other sports organisations.

Given that Auckland Foundation has significant exposure to organisations effecting change in communities, they are also well placed to advise potential donors on this.

Essentially, Auckland Foundation makes it easy for donors to support causes they care about.

Activating Change

For me personally, learning about how this organisation works uncovered an opportunity for people to make effective changes without waiting for the government or feeling helpless. As an example, at the Auckland Foundation annual dinner in August, we heard about the impact that a grassroots organisation, The Kindness Collective, is having on children and families in hardship. This had a significant impact on me. We are continuously exposed to information on how poverty influences negative outcomes. I, for one, feel powerless as we rely on the government to change this through political infrastructure, where pulling on one lever always affects something else. I was also cynical about how much change can be effected by giving to such causes. Hearing true stories about the fast and significant change able to be made in our youth and children, and the impact simply giving dignity and care as well as dollars can make was encouraging. The connection of donors to these causes and the organisations can and is creating meaningful change.

The connection of donors with the direct needs of our society is powerful. Without this, donors are left to manage their own philanthropic and charitable trusts as well as independently identify organisations where their donations will make a change. This requires investment of time and cost.

With Auckland Foundation, there is no requirement to set up your own trust and managed fund. A conversation with Auckland Foundation on the philanthropic causes you wish to support is all you need to do. They will be able to assist with the formal structuring and help with the structure of your giving to achieve maximum impact. The administration will be taken care of. Impact reports are also sought from the grassroots organisation to enable you to see your donations at work.

If philanthropic giving is, or could be part of your wealth plan, I encourage you to consider exploring how Auckland Foundation could assist, by checking out their website. Please feel free to use the contact details on the site, or alternatively contact me and I can set up a conversation.

If you don’t know where to begin, want to talk through something, or have a specific question but are not sure who to address it to, fill in the form, and we’ll get back to you within two working days.

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