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In 2023 growth still matters, but it’ll be hard!
The Annual Enterprise Survey is out – it measures the financial performance and financial position of New Zealand businesses. I commented on the same survey last year (click here to read it) and it proved yet again to be an interesting read on what is and isn’t thriving. The survey provides insights into what your […]
Team engagement counts
If you want to improve sales, you need teams that are motivated to sell. And to be confident, the sales team must believe in the product, the service teams, and customer service. The focus on customer love has many pet names these days – “customer centricity”, or “customer-obsessed” to name a couple. Businesses that aspire […]
Surviving, thriving, or misery?
Mid-winter… fog, rain, and cold, but Spring is on the way. Without putting too much of a finer point on it, at the beginning of the year I thought 2022 would be tougher than 2020 and 2021, and the tourism and hospitality misery would spread. Well, it sure has been. Falling asset values are hurting […]
There is no new normal – business principles
Times of exuberance and despair pass. Times where capital or labour is scarce also pass. The constant through all of this is that individually, all humans seek to maximise their utility. For some it’s money, others it’s power, knowledge, connections, belonging, or spirituality. The individual utility that humans seek is very diverse (microeconomic imperatives). However, […]
2022 – a new year, a new challenge
Firstly, no one knows what will happen in the future, and the doomsday merchants are always right eventually. My guess is, 2022 will be a year of adjustment. As we leave 2021, a few economic stats admittedly harvested for my narrative to think about. Government debt now stands at $102b which is its highest level […]