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The most common challenge I see among my clients
During the last nine months of client meetings, account preparation, and tracking expenses, there is one challenge most clients have in common, and that’s cash flow. It’s a critical component of a business’s financial success, so it’s important that we keep it healthy. Why is cash flow so important? Operating Expenses: A business needs a […]
Why we need to take it personally
I often hear one of the two comments in the business environment – “don’t take it personally” or “it’s business, not personal”.  I’ve heard it said about feedback, difficult discussions, restructuring, ups and downs in the workplace – in fact, any daily workplace issues. What a ridiculous idea! Work is where we spend the majority […]
Imposter Syndrome
I have a few areas in my life where I call myself a leader or an expert, and sometimes, it feels like a big label to live up to. Every now and then I’ll find myself on a roller coaster of self-doubt and then a great result, which in the end was expected by everyone […]
Responding to stress as a leader
Over the last three years, there has been plenty to stress about, particularly for business owners. And it doesn’t seem to be over. With the tail end of the effects of the pandemic, and a war thrown in, there are many predictions around a tough 2023-2024. And because of such projections, as business owners and/or […]
How to get the best out of your Accountant?
“It takes two to tango” – so the saying goes, and the same applies to business relationships. To truly benefit from your accountant and achieve your goals, the relationship you have with your accountant must be built on mutual respect, trust, and efficiency – from both parties. So, how do you get the most value […]