Articles and updates


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The seven deadly sins of credit management
1. No clearly defined Terms and Conditions disclosed. Since the beginning of time, businesses have done business on a handshake. As we move toward a digital world, consumers have wised up to potential loopholes and business owners find themselves getting the run around. Whether it be not getting paid on time, jobs cancelled at the […]
The young must question
She is only 18 months old in the company, and was thrilled to be given independent charge of a project. It was a short duration one (6 weeks), but she gets to work with the Business Manager in New Jersey (NJ). It was clearly a great opportunity to prove herself, and also get noticed at […]
What the hell have we been doing!
2015 is our 30th anniversary of business with the same name, same culture, same leadership from the same premises. We have always been different, but some of our points of difference are now main stream; How often do you see professionals in funeral clobber these days, casual dress is increasingly the norm everywhere. Sure some […]
Joshna – the "nice" one
The qualities Joshna values most are honesty, integrity and trust. With this premise – you are always going to be in safe hands with her. Joshna never pre-judges a situation or problem. She really listens, she understands, she thinks through and then she questions. Joshna’s methodology and her collaborative process always gets to the root […]
Innovation IP Workshop
In conjunction with Callaghan Innovation, EverEdgeIP have developed a programme to help New Zealand companies leverage their innovation and intellectual property to drive accelerated growth. What is Innovation IP? Innovation IP consists of two interactive, confidential workshops plus on-going support relating to intellectual property strategy and technology commercialisation. The goal of the programme is simple: […]