Articles and updates


We are recognised as authorities in our specialised fields. We publish newsletters with informed opinions that are free for you to subscribe to.

Xero workshops
Gilligan Sheppard is proud to present three Xero Workshops. Attend small intimate workshops, ask questions and receive personal attention. Demonstration is on a big screen. BYO laptop/tablet to work on your own account. [box] “The presenter was clear, easy to understand and very knowledgeable.” [/box]   [box] “Being able to bring my own laptop was awesome, it […]
Hidden assets/threat seminar
Hidden Assets/Threat Seminar was “da bomb”! At a seminar on intangible assets and IP, two renowned business commentators Bruce Sheppard and Paul Adams provided a no holds barred, to the point examination of what modern companies, boards and management need to know and understand about intellectual property and doing business in today’s knowledge economy. Thanks […]