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Live ConvosTax Pooling Discussion
Richard Ashby (Tax Specialist) and Jeromy Meerman (Relationships and Product Manager at Tax Traders) get together and answer the most common questions asked around Tax Pooling. They discuss misconceptions, the benefits of tax pooling, and how to use it. Details beginning at 5.33s: Q1. What is tax pooling? Q2. What kind of tax can I […]
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Grow your business in lockdown: Part one of four.
New marketing strategy Our marketing team have collaborated with Ambrose from the Sales Mastery Company to create webinars to help small to medium businesses survive lockdown. View the webinar here. What are the challenges?
Hankering: a strong desire to ‘have’ or ‘do’ something
It starts in way I can only describe as a hankering. What triggers that hankering I can’t explain. Perhaps it’s the change of seasons, a smell, a memory, a sense of unease or some other unconscious trigger. Whatever it is, my mind latches on to that ember of a hankering. There it sits, smouldering away, […]
GSTV: Business fatigue during lockdown
Gilligan Sheppard’s Michael Vukcevic facilitates a discussion with Evana Lithgow (from Working Minds) and our own Bruce Sheppard. Optimism can be dangerous, but so can panic which tends to leave you in a situation where you do nothing…
GSTV: The wage subsidy – to take or to not take?
Bruce Sheppard, CEO of Gilligan Sheppard and Damien Grant, Principal of Waterstone Insolvency, who have both featured in recent articles on the wage subsidy, hash out their points of view. Who’s side do you agree with most?
GSTV: Psychology & Employment
Addressing the need to be considerate during this time, our guests tackle a topic that should be foremost in our thinking… Guest panelists are psychologist Evana Lithgow from ‘Working Minds’ and employment lawyer Tess von Dadelszen from ‘Langton Hudson Butcher’ facilitated by Richard Ashby…