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The evolution of jobs
With the creation of the internet in the late 20th century, development of all things has exponentially exploded in the 21st century. With everyone from around the world suddenly able to easily and (somewhat) freely share their thoughts and ideas, the whole world has been moulded. Jobs are no exception to this. What were once […]
Cultures that change
I travelled to Chandigarh (chun-de-gar), India, two years ago and have just returned from my second visit where I noticed a few subtle cultural changes that has me wondering if we will just meld into one culture one day. We have an outsource team in Chandigarh, a relationship that we have held for many years […]
But who’s going to kill the chicken for dinner?
Sustainability, Climate Change, Carbon Neutral… I have noticed of late there are many people in New Zealand and around the world starting ‘a conversation’, shouting, protesting and no doubt tweeting, blogging and posting about sustainability and climate change. This is something I myself have being mulling over.  When I think about a sustainable lifestyle, some […]
Go white water rafting they said…
Go white-water rafting they said. It’ll be fun they said. We were greeted with enthusiasm – if enthusiasm was a person walking around, this was him. Bright eyes, cheeky grin, semi-Maori looking with a dark ginger moustache and a hand shake that rattled your arm up to your brain. My 16 year old daughter and […]
Taking action to preserve one’s own health
The importance of self-care What exactly is self-care and what does it mean? It is just a ‘new-age’ concept, one that has become popular over the last few years or is there something in it? Has self-care just evolved over time as our lives become busier and people take on more and more? The Oxford […]