Articles and updates


We are recognised as authorities in our specialised fields. We publish newsletters with informed opinions that are free for you to subscribe to.

What the hell have we been doing!
2015 is our 30th anniversary of business with the same name, same culture, same leadership from the same premises. We have always been different, but some of our points of difference are now main stream; How often do you see professionals in funeral clobber these days, casual dress is increasingly the norm everywhere. Sure some […]
Meanwhile, at the Pearly Gates…
An accountant dies in a car accident on his 40th birthday and finds himself at the Pearly Gates. A brass band is playing, the angels are singing a beautiful hymn, there is a huge crowd cheering and shouting his name and absolutely everyone wants to shake his hand. Just when he thinks things can’t possibly […]
Bruce speaks at Waikato University
Bruce is a guest speaker at Waikato University and on this occasion, speaks to a class on “Corporate ethics as opposed to business ethics.” These should be the same but they aren’t. Director’s liability – What is a director? What is the role of a director?… and of course Bruce’s humour and wit comes throughout […]
Trustees and their obligations
We have written before on this topic. Sorry if it sounds like a broken record, but we are trying to be the fence at the top of the hill, rather than the ambulance at the bottom! If you know of anyone looking at becoming a trustee, we’d be more than happy to have a chat […]
Investment made easy
Liftoff is an upcoming investment and crowd-funding platform for New Zealand. They are in the business of making it easy for Kiwi investors and businesses alike to get their dreams off the ground. They do this by making it possible for people to invest in or fund as much or as little as they like […]