Articles and updates


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Are accountants an endangered species?
Much has been made of the idea that accountants will no longer have a role in the very near future. This idea is attributed to increasingly fast developing technology and artificial intelligence. Processing of bank statements, invoices, into accounts or into accounting systems is becoming more automated and efficient with the entry and constant development […]
What makes GS tick… even after a decade of employment?
Walking into work every day only to be greeted by Bruce in his cycling shorts (my polite way of saying ambushed!) isn’t for most of us, a great way to start the day. Why then are most of us still here even after what feels like a lifetime? Looking back at the years spent at […]
Ring-Fencing Rental Losses
Presently, if you own a residential investment property, and it costs you more to operate for a particular income year, than the rental income you receive from your tenants, you make a rental loss which can then be offset against any other income you earn, thereby reducing the overall amount of tax you need to […]
Bridging the gap between science, entrepreneurship and capital (part two)
Thanks for all the great feedback and conversations following last month’s article. In that article I promised to cover recent developments in the innovation funding landscape. If we assume three things: The New Zealand early stage company/start-up environment has not delivered enough sustainable companies that are growing and have global commercial potential, The upcoming change […]
The Culture of Family
Gilligan Sheppard has always been known by its team for being caring, compassionate and treating team members as part of a family. This has been true for one of our ex team members who retired about six years ago. This team member would still visit every month or so to collect the stamps we had […]