Articles and updates


We are recognised as authorities in our specialised fields. We publish newsletters with informed opinions that are free for you to subscribe to.

Debate Success
The ASB Great Debate is THE event for Auckland 2013. An entertaining, exciting, engaging evening during which a Bruce Sheppard led accountants team took on a Mark Hanaghan led legal team to debate “Lawyers contribute more than Accountants”. The event was a successful fundraiser for Starship, Kidney Kids and other Auckland Rotary supported charites. Here’s […]
Hidden assets/threat seminar
Hidden Assets/Threat Seminar was “da bomb”! At a seminar on intangible assets and IP, two renowned business commentators Bruce Sheppard and Paul Adams provided a no holds barred, to the point examination of what modern companies, boards and management need to know and understand about intellectual property and doing business in today’s knowledge economy. Thanks […]
Doing business in Australia
Doing Business in Australia; Seminar Success This seminar was a great event for anyone already working in or thinking of doing business in Australia. Gilligan Sheppard and the Chamber of Commerce joined forces to bring two prominent Australian tax advisers to New Zealand. Many New Zealand businesses look toward Australia to expand their business. This […]
Trans-tasman portability of retirement savings
From 1 July 2013, new rules surrounding the portability of retirement savings will come into effect. Under the new regime, certain Australian superannuation funds and New Zealand KiwiSaver funds will be able to be transferred between countries, effectively enabling a person to “take home” any contributions they have made to an approved retirement scheme while […]
Internet security
The revelations by ex CIA agent, Edward Snowden, that the CIA is secretly accessing internet records of Australian citizens has again put the spotlight on email security. Most people don’t understand that a copy of your email – together with any confidential file attachments – are stored on email servers located anywhere in the world. […]