Articles and updates


We are recognised as authorities in our specialised fields. We publish newsletters with informed opinions that are free for you to subscribe to.

A trip with freedom
I started to plan the trip in March 2019 – walking a month on Te Araroa trail covering a third of a South Island section – from Queen Charlotte to Harper Pass. Once I had laid out a rough itinerary, I tried to invite people to go with me. There were several who showed interest, […]
High-level tips to assist small business prepare for Covid-19
View all of our Covid-19 related articles by clicking here. The coronavirus or COVID-19 presents a significant threat not only to human health but also to business. For many businesses, likely moves by governments to contain the public health risk may result in a sudden fall in demand for your products or services, labour shortages […]
Time is money – bookkeeping reinvented
Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Amy Hua and it’s been almost five months since I started with Gilligan Sheppard, and I would like to express my gratitude to all of you; thank you for being so welcoming. While this is a new beginning, by no means is this an unfamiliarity, having known both Yi […]
On the Myanmar border
Humphrey Hart, a senior analyst in our Value Added Services team, spent more time than he expected on the Thai border in January… Tomorrow, we were going to cross the border into Myanmar. We were having dinner with Doctor Naing and Aunty Pat, who we knew from their social work with Burmese refugees in New […]
Team conferences – are they worth it?
I am sure we have all at some time thought, “I am way too busy to attend this year’s conference,” or “I don’t think we need one this year,” or “it is only an internal conference, we can change the dates or not put as much effort in.” At GS we try to ensure our […]