Archive for the ‘Richard’s’ Category

Don’t always believe what you hear
Recently, in Budget 2024, Inland Revenue (IR) was allocated $116m to tackle tax debt and compliance. The latter focus areas, for at least the 2024 – 2025 financial year, will be: the hidden economy and organised crime; electronic sales suppression tools; GST integrity; student loan overseas-based borrowers; and, increased audit activity. Personally, the last of these five focus areas [...]
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First Tax Bill of 2024 passed
On March 28, Royal Assent was given to the passing of the Taxation Bill (Annual Rates for 2023-24, Multinational Tax, and Remedial Matters). The Bill enacted some welcomed changes, balanced with the unfortunate news for some that the trustee tax rate would increase to 39%, effective this April 1. I expect most of you will […]
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Disposal of Land – to be taxed or not to be taxed? Part six
This final article, in a series of six on the various land tax provisions contained within the Income Tax Act 2007 (“the Act”), will focus on the potential application of the associated persons’ rules to those taxing provisions. However, this article will be somewhat different to those that have come before, because, firstly I will […]
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Disposal of land – to be taxed or not to be taxed? Part five
This fifth article in a series of six, on the various land tax provisions contained within the Income Tax Act 2007 (“the Act”), will focus on the potential application of section CB 13 – Disposal: amount from major development or division and not already in income. As a starting comment and as a consequence of […]
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Disposal of Land – to be taxed or not to be taxed? Part four
This fourth article in a series of six, on the various land tax provisions contained within the Income Tax Act 2007 (“the Act”), will focus on the potential application of section CB 14 – Disposal: amount from land affected by change and not already in income. As a starting comment, and as a consequence of […]
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Disposal of Land – to be taxed or not to be taxed? Part three
This third article, in a series of six, on the various land tax provisions contained within the Income Tax Act 2007 (“the Act”), will focus on the potential application of section CB 6A – Disposal within 10 years: bright-line test for residential land. As a starting comment, and as a consequence of some responses from […]
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Disposal of Land – to be taxed or not to be taxed? Part two
My first article on the various land tax provisions contained within the Income Tax Act 2007 (“the Act”) focused on the potential application of section CB 6 – land acquired with a purpose or an intention of disposal. This second article, in a series of six, moves on to what I consider is second in […]
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Disposal of Land – to be taxed or not to be taxed? Part 1
In 2020, I published a series of articles that provide guidance on the potential application of the land taxing provisions contained within subpart CB of the Income Tax Act 2007 (“the Act”). Three years later, the most common questions I still receive from the outside world are related to land, and whether certain transactions or […]
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Employee reimbursements for WFH
You may recall when Covid first hit our shores and we were forced into lockdown with everyone working from home (or at least those of us who were lucky enough to be able to). Inland Revenue (IR) released a number of determinations, reflective of the fact that employers were reimbursing their employees for the additional […]
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Introducing the first Tax Bill of 2022
Well, post the initial hiccups (arguably severe indigestion) arising from the proposal to subject services supplied by managers and investment managers to managed funds and retirement schemes to 15% GST, the first Tax Bill for 2022 has now been re-introduced into the House (post being withdrawn within 24 hours of its initial introduction!). The major […]
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