
Elimination as a strategy
We all like to control our environment. It makes us feel safe. The problem is we all seek to do that in our own way, and by default no one can ever control our environment to the extent that they might wish. If collectively we were successful there would be no uncertainly, no risk, no […]
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Tax Updates: 22 July 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues, where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion on any national or international tax issues, please contact Richard via email at [email protected]. Identifying property for depreciation purposes Inland Revenue (IR) has […]
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Don’t always believe what you hear
Recently, in Budget 2024, Inland Revenue (IR) was allocated $116m to tackle tax debt and compliance. The latter focus areas, for at least the 2024 – 2025 financial year, will be: the hidden economy and organised crime; electronic sales suppression tools; GST integrity; student loan overseas-based borrowers; and, increased audit activity. Personally, the last of these five focus areas [...]
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Who would have thought?
Gilligan Sheppard and I strongly align on several things. In particular, their purpose of enriching lives aligns with my personal purpose of improving people’s lives through business and improving business through people. One way we thought this could materialise was by providing business improvement workshops. We conducted an initial workshop with GS clients on ‘Developing […]
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The glass ceiling in accountancy is no myth
‘Globally, women make up a significant percentage of accountants and auditors. Statistics gathered from the 2020 Accountancy Age Top 50+50 survey demonstrated that nearly half of all qualified accountants were female (45.47%). Yet just 1/5 of women were positioned in senior roles within the sector.’ Roxana Zendy – Finance Journeys The statistics on women in […]
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Inspiring business stories from New Zealand
At Gilligan Sheppard, we are passionate about improving New Zealand business. By showcasing some incredible business stories, we hope to inspire our readers to think outside the square. Aotearoa has become a fertile ground for success and entrepreneurship, and despite being situated so far from the rest of the world, many Kiwi brands have established […]
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Tax Updates: 15 July 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion on any national or international tax issues, please contact Richard via email at [email protected]. Focus by IR on compliance and tax debt Having […]
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Tax Updates: 8 July 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion on any national or international tax issues, please contact Richard via email at [email protected]. Budget measures special report Well after the passing of […]
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Tax Updates: 1 July 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion on any national or international tax issues, please contact Richard via email at [email protected]. Does your subdivision project have GST implications? A large […]
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Tax Updates: 24 June 2024
Welcome to this week’s review of tax issues where Richard comments on what’s been happening in the world of tax over the past week. If you have a question or would like a second opinion on any national or international tax issues, please contact Richard via email at [email protected]. Employee share loans & associates Inland Revenue (IR) has […]
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What tax deductions can you claim as a business owner?
New Zealand has officially entered a recession, and as a business owner, you’re likely feeling the pressure of high inflation and rising borrowing costs. Reducing your tax bill legally and effectively is now more critical than ever. Here’s a guide to help you maximise your tax deductions. 1. File your tax returns on time [...]
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