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Bruce'sThe blue deck chair: Universal respect
In an unashamed take from Graham Norton, I intend to write a few stories called ‘the blue deck chair.’ You are free to pull the lever and flip my chair. So please send feedback, flip, or let me walk… While leaving the ferry one morning, having spent my time chatting to another interesting person who […]
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We want your feedback
NPS (Net promoter score); a two-question survey. What is it? And why do we want it? Net promoter score or NPS for short was established to help companies measure and evaluate customer loyalty. We are looking to monitor our impact on your experience. If I were asked, I’d say “The Gilligan Sheppard team does a […]
Six doctors, seven opinions.
An interview with Dr Gerald Young, Director of CityMed, Auckland City. Gerald and his team built CityMed in 2000 and developed the business to where it successfully stands today. However, business journeys are never easy, especially with “Six doctors, and seven opinions” explains Gerald. “It was a revenue idea, which is different from most general […]
Guest article written by one of the previous Partners at Gilligan Sheppard, Greg Rathbun. I retired from Gilligan Sheppard in 2013, I knew I needed to try something new, but I had no idea what. Eventually, I became the proud owner of an 11-hectare avocado orchard. Back then I didn’t realise how much this had […]
Is being hard on yourself, too hard on yourself?
There’s that old saying “you are your own worst critic”, usually it’s something we get told when we deny we did a good job. And at that point, do you believe them? Or are you still convinced ‘it’ wasn’t good enough? We all exist within a little bubble we have created for ourselves, and in […]
How to get the best out of your Accountant?
“It takes two to tango” – so the saying goes, and the same applies to business relationships. To truly benefit from your accountant and achieve your goals, the relationship you have with your accountant must be built on mutual respect, trust, and efficiency – from both parties. So, how do you get the most value […]