Annual Accounts

Whether you are a sole trader, partnership, company, trust or a ‘Look Through’ (formally an LAQC), be prepared at the end of the financial year. You want to ensure you are doing what it takes to manage your finances – this means understanding them, so you can make smart decisions to keep your business running… Click here to find out more.

Tax Returns

Our Business Advisory Services (BAS) team consist of CA or CPA qualified accountants, experienced accounting technicians who can process your annual accounts and tax returns… Click here to find out more.

Benchmarking and KPIs

Benchmarking is used as a tool to help your organisation evaluate opportunities for Improvement. We use the New Zealand Benchmarking Survey to deliver comparisons between you and your industry neighbours. The report you receive provides you with figures for turnover, overhead spending, profitability, productivity, profit per working owner, debt levels, etc… Click here to find out more.

Company Formation

Setting up a new company is an exciting venture, but we are also aware that it can be daunting at the same time. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what your new business actually does or does not need, and the administration involved can often become ‘too hard basket’. Whether it’s registering the company, banking services, insurances or even job descriptions… Click here to find out more.


If a company is broke, bankrupt or in debt, liquidation is used to collect its assets, figure out the outstanding claims against the company and sort out the claims in order of the law. A liquidator is appointed when a company is placed into liquidation. The liquidator takes control of all the company’s unsecured assets, which are sold to repay the creditors… Click here to find out more.